SitStay Story
Angela Christodoulou
Founder, Vet Nurse Sitter
As a young Vet Nurse more than a decade ago, Angela would offer a house sitting service to the clients of the vet clinic where she was employed. Angela's first ever client was Monty, a 4-year-old German Shepherd who had just been diagnosed with Epilepsy. Mr Monty's diagnosis came with a strict 12-hourly medication routine and a need for close monitoring to stabilise his condition.
This diagnosis and treatment plan came 4 weeks before Monty's owners’ annual 3 month visit back to the UK. The Owner of the Vet clinic suggested Angela provided house sitting services and care for Monty to manage his condition so that his owners could enjoy their holiday. Monty's owners continued to use Angela's House Sitting Service for the next 7 years, including being on call to medicate Monty when the owners were caught up with the day to day bustle of life.
Angela continued to offer this service to clients which turned out to be a popular and trusted alternative to boarding facilities as it removes the stress of separating your Fur Family, finding and booking the right place and has the added benefit of securing your home whilst you are away.
Angela created SitStay to connect Pet Owners with the highest level of care for their pets outside of the Vet Clinic and allow Vet Nurses to showcase and expand their skills. SitStay is a community that promotes the abilities of Vet Nurses and encourages and supports them to undertake further education or complementary study. They can then utilise these skills by offering additional Certified Services to the SitStay community of Pet owners. Nurses are encouraged to submit blogs on topics or products they are passionate about so that our Pet Parent Community has a safe, reliable and trusted source of information outside of their vet clinic.
"I welcome you to join us on this remarkable journey to positively disrupt
how we care for our Fur Family."